May 2020 NO.0078





News 4U




4U 字彙程度:1500~3500字




Why Sea Turtles Eat Plastic in the Ocean

Plastic garbage is everywhere, even in the depths of the ocean, and it hurts animals such as sea turtles. Scientists previously had several ideas of why sea turtles eat ocean plastic. Some thought that the turtles get stuck in plastic bags, or that the bags look like jellyfish. However, a recent study found that turtles are attracted to the smell of ocean plastic. That’s because algae grows on plastic floating in the ocean, making it smell like turtles’ typical food.

There is no doubt that this is troubling, as it means turtles are actively trying to eat plastic. Turtles are threatened by the eight million tons of plastic that are dumped into the ocean every year. When turtles eat plastic bags, their bodies feel full. As a result, the turtles slowly starve to death. Hard plastic can also get caught in their throats. To make matters worse, all seven species of sea turtles are already endangered. It is only by reducing our plastic consumption and by recycling as much as possible that we can begin to solve this serious problem.





4U 字彙程度:1500~3500字





Why Your Stomach Always Has Room for Dessert

It’s a common feeling—you’ve just finished a big meal and you’ve probably eaten too much, but you still crave dessert. It’s a sure way to gain weight. However, many of us just can’t help reaching for that piece of pie after dinner.

If you give in to this temptation, it’s not your fault. Scientists have found that as we eat a meal, the food on the plate becomes gradually less appealing. As this happens, our brains tell us to eat something with an opposite taste.

This makes sense in terms of human development. Eating different types of foods offers a wider variety of nutrients. For example, when you’re eating meat, which contains protein and minerals, your body will signal to switch foods when you’ve had enough. It will want fruit to get vitamins and fiber, or bread for carbohydrates.

This reaction doesn’t serve us well today. In modern society, we eat too much and then turn to sweet desserts to give our mouths a fresh taste. When this craving hits, do the right thing—what your body really wants is an apple, not ice cream!





ED 字彙程度:4000~7000字





Dogs on the Job: Guide Dogs for Blind People

When people think about dogs, they usually think of them as pets. People often have their dogs trained so they can behave well around other dogs and their owners, but some dogs are trained to work. There are many kinds of jobs dogs can do, including working with firefighters and police officers. There is another kind of job, though, which is much more personal: being a service dog!

A service dog lives with a person who has a disability, and guide dogs specifically help blind people get around. Not just any dog can become a guide dog, however. Training organizations usually raise puppies of certain breeds of dog, such as golden retrievers, which tend to have calm, steady personalities. After being trained in basic skills, like ignoring distractions, the guide dog is introduced to its blind handler at the facility where they will train together.

Because people are used to seeing dogs as pets, it can be tempting to reach out to pet a cute guide dog. Remember, though, that this dog is at work and that its handler relies on the guide dog staying alert to their surroundings, so try to avoid touching it. Instead, step back and admire this hard-working dog from a distance. Let it do its vital work so its handler can go about their normal day!





ED 字彙程度:4000~7000字

食物保存有訣竅 生活智慧要知道




Foods That Can Help You Survive the Apocalypse

As recent events have shown, the world can become an unpredictable place in the blink of an eye. In times of crisis, it’s common for people to stock up on food—and for good reason. Having an adequate food supply can be the difference between life and death. To store enough food to last us through tough times, we have to understand why foods go bad and how to prevent this.

In most cases, microbes are the reason why foods spoil. These tiny organisms, which include bacteria and viruses, can ruin foods when they grow freely. Although it’s nearly impossible to totally stop their growth, there are ways to slow it down. Drying foods is perhaps the most effective method of preserving them. When a food is dried and its water is removed, microbes can’t properly absorb the food into their cells. Salting foods is another time-tested way to make foods last longer. Salting effectively removes the moisture inside microbes and causes their cells to malfunction. In turn, this creates an environment in which microbes cannot live.

Foods coated in sugar tend to last a long time, too. That’s because refined sugar stops microbial growth dead in its tracks. However, if eggs, nuts, dairy, or other ingredients are present, the food’s lifespan will be lower, as yeasts and molds may eventually develop. Freezing is another popular way to keep foods from spoiling, as it’s simple to do and the majority of foods freeze well. It’s important to remember, though, that freezing only stops microbial growth temporarily. Once the food starts to thaw out, the microbes will become active and begin to cause damage once again.

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